Managing A Leader’s Insecurities!

Managing A Leader’s Insecurities!

Anyone in a leadership role is aware that though being a manager gives an awesome feeling, there are also a lot of responsibilities that come alongside. There are people who look up to you, seek your guidance or want to be mentored by you. You get to make the final call for most decisions which means that you are also judged over your decision-making abilities. However, being a manager is tough. From supervising multiple personalities across teams to making tough decisions without erring, it is both a struggle and an achievement every day to play the lead role. Here are five ways to deal with the things that come your way while being a manager!


1. Making unpopular decisions: Managers are required to find a balance between striving for profits and streamlining workflow for better productivity. For this, they are often required to make tough decisions such as discontinuing an office perk or asking the team to work late, which the team may or may not comply with. During such a scenario, it is best to be transparent about one’s intentions and share how the decision was made for the betterment of the team/organisation as a whole. In case the decision causes a setback, take feedback head on and make amends if required.


2. Who’s to blame? As a manager, when the going is good, give due credit to the team, and, when the going gets tough, shoulder the responsibility for it (even if you are not at fault!). It is a difficult spot to be in, but that is the true mettle of good leaders.


3. Hiring the right people: It is you who decides what skills qualify people to work with you. Hiring is a complex task since there is always a risk of being smooth-talked into making a bad choice. Take enough time to contemplate and take an independent opinion on the notes you have made. More so, consult the department for which the candidate has been hired to guide you to make an informed call.


4. Becoming redundant: The next skilled newbie up to grab your position is a thought you have to live with and may even trigger a set of subconscious biases and skewed decision-making. If you worry that people around you will undermine your position or betray your confidence, remember that the role of a leader is to create more leaders. That said, as a leader, you also need to incessantly sharpen your sword and upgrade your skills from time to time. Start small with a weekend programme, but make sure you follow through. Moreover, fall back on your strengths and learn where else can you apply your skills in this constantly changing world.


5. Letting people go: When you fire someone or exhibit layoffs due to business reasons, you are messing with family income, and often, the self-esteem of an individual is pulled like a rug under their feet. It is a painful decision, and make sure that it is civil and face to face. And, if required, offer to counsel.


Often, managers delay in letting people go with the hope that they can be improvised. Though occasionally beneficial, do not allow things to go too far. If a decision needs to be made, so be it. If you have to let go an employee, make sure you are objective in your decision and not play favourites. Prepare your teams for times like these and embed skills in them to manage work process way forward. While managing is about doing things right, leadership is about doing the right things. If everyone could do it right, it would be called so.

Rajeev Shroff is a Transformation Coach & Consultant and the founder of Cupela, a company that helps aspiring leaders define their direction through a series of powerful and purposeful conversations.


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